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Monday, October 18, 2010

Patriotism at its Finest

Charging over on open plain, bullets flying over-head like strange, deadly insects. Not many Americans get a chance to ever experience this because they fear it. Soldiers and veterans are the best America has to offer because they have the courage to either face their fear or they don’t have a choice but to face it. When people ask “Does patriotism still matter?” the answer is the most obvious one on the planet. Of course patriotism still matters; this wouldn’t be America without it.

Almost every person in this country has a deep love of this country even if they have immigrated from somewhere else. They love this country because of what it stands for and how it got here. We stand for freedom and liberty, and singularly changed the world. Veterans are the symbol of this country and inspire all Americans, whether born here or not.

Without the inspiration that our veterans of foreign wars provide, this country would feel a lot less safe. Veterans inspire younger people to join the military to help keep this country safe and free, needless to say, without those new recruits we might even have an invasion of U.S. soil by other power hungry countries.

Veterans mean a lot to me because they are a source of inspiration and stories that they bring back. Much of the older generations of my family have served and the tales they tell are just awe-inspiring. Four of my great uncles served in WWII and one was stationed in Okinawa. My grandfather was about to be shipped off the day after the war ended. My grandpa’s business partner was actually shot down over China and served as a POW for three years. He didn’t get to see his first born son for a year.

These are just some of the stories of people that gave part of their lives to this country, trying to make it safe for the rest of us. Most people could never give all of this up for our country. Veteran's give all they have and more so it’s for all these reasons and more that patriotism will always matter.

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