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Thursday, December 17, 2009


Time is the executioner of all life that was, is, or will be. It is and it isn't. We cannot see or hold Time but is always there. It decides when we are going to die and when we are going to be born. Francie is learning that the older you get your outlook on Time changes.

When you are little the future seems impossibly far away and Time seems to creep along slower than a snail. As you grow in age the future seems just around the horizon and Time whips by in the blink of an eye. To Francie the days were slow and pleasant. She'd start the day selling junk and then she'd read the day away. Now her day consists of large amounts of work and school. Her outlook on Time completely changes because she is going from innocence to experience.

As Francie is getting older she is gaining more knowledge and in that knowledge is the Truth that Time isn't slow or fast it just is. Francie's dealings with Time have only just begun, as have all of humanities. People will always struggle with Time and Time will always struggle with people. It is part of the eternal balance that allows everything to live. But beware, for Time can end life in the blink of an eye.

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